What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Enrol in Python for Pentesters course to take your python programming skill to the next level. This python course online is fully dedicated to black hat python course lovers who want to master their python skills. Programmers love to use python for testing a variety of systems due to its automated tools and amazing features. In this course. You will master all the industry-needed python programming skills.

When you enrol in this online course, you will learn about the python setup, writing python code to intercept and analyze the network's traffic. The student will also learn about data mining from popular sites and also understand anti-virus concepts. During the course, you will explore the techniques of write python scripts to automate large-scale network attacks. We will teach you about the Recon framework and password crackers. You will learn and start using python scrips for network investigation. Asides from this, there are many other things that you will learn to enhance your python skills.

If you want to take this course, then you can freely take this excellent online program. This is highly recommended to programmers, developers, freshers, and IT professionals who want to learn the know-how of black hat python. An interested student can also take this course to build up python skills.

This online python program will help you take a deep dive into Black hat python course that can completely change your career. And it will also boost your professional CV when you will add this essential skill to your skillset.

Course Content

Total: 49 lectures
  • Setting Up Python for Hacking
  • Kali Linux installation
  • Python environment setup
  • Introduction to necessary tools like VMWare, Python IDEs (e.g., WingIDE)
  • Essential Python libraries for security
  • E Book
  • Introduction to Network Programming with Python
  • TCP and UDP clients
  • Building simple TCP and UDP servers.
  • Creating TCP proxies
  • Raw Sockets and Network Sniffing
  • Accessing raw sockets.
  • Packet sniffing and decoding IP headers.
  • Writing your own network tools.
  • Building Custom Web Attack Tools
  • Introduction to web application vulnerabilities.
  • Crafting HTTP requests and analyzing responses.
  • Writing Python scripts to automate web attacks.
  • Extending Burp Suite with Python
  • Customizing and extending Burp Suite functionality using Python.
  • Creating a Python-Based Netcat Replacement
  • Developing a TCP client and server for remote shell access.
  • Building a command shell using Python.
  • Writing Exploits with Python
  • Crafting simple buffer overflow exploits.
  • Introduction to Python for fuzzing applications.
  • Trojan Development and Privilege Escalation
  • Developing Python-based trojans for Windows.
  • Privilege escalation techniques using Python scripts.
  • GitHub Command and Control
  • Using GitHub to control trojans remotely.
  • Command-and-control (C2) setup using Python.
  • Automating Offensive Security with Python
  • Automating vulnerability scans and exploitation.
  • Creating tools for scanning and reconnaissance.
  • Memory Forensics and Exploitation with Python
  • Using Python for memory forensics.
  • Integration with tools like Volatility.
  • Advanced Networking Exploits
  • Sniffing, injecting, and modifying network packets.
  • Developing Python exploits for various network services.
  • Advanced Post-Exploitation with Python
  • Automating post-exploitation tasks using custom Python tools.
  • Interaction with remote systems and data extraction.
  • Case Studies of Python in Hacking
  • Real-world examples of Python-based hacking tools.
  • Using Python for Red Team operations.
  • Developing Python Tools for Penetration Testing
  • Combining different techniques learned into a final Python-based security tool.


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