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What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Welcome to the course, "Certificate in Psychology"where you will be introduced with a brief analysis of the parts of human psychology. This course gives a brief on the basic topic which matters in human life and what happens to our brain, mind and soul. You will know how to deal with different kinds of people. 

In this course  you'll learn all the fundamentals of Psychology, the relationships between Happiness and Success, what is the definition of happiness, how to be happy and many other things like how to Establish New good Habits and you can change the Bad Routines, the theory and practical modalities of happiness and wellbeing, the mindfulness Fundamentals and Practical Tools which is  scientifically proven Resiliency Factors. You will also know how to set up your goals. How Empathy and Gratitude can help us live a better and more fulfilling life and how to help children become happier. You will also know how to apply the tools ame secrets which are scientifically proven to increase your happiness level and many things you will learn. 

This course provides you with lifetime access to this course and this course helps you to understand your habits, why you have them, why you can or cannot change them, and how they can work to help you live a great life. You will also be given a certificate. If you are a coach, counselor, teacher, or anyone trying to improve relationships, looking to set and achieve goals while learning and trying new Goal Techniques and to become Happier can take this course. So enroll your name in this course and start questing with Psychology. 

Course Content

Total: 25 lectures
  • Development Across The Life Span
  • Applied Developmental Science
  • Infant Perception And Cognition
  • Social And Emotional Development In Infancy
  • Stress And Emotion In Early Childhood
  • Diversity In Caregiving Contexts
  • Language Development In Childhood
  • Cognitive Development In Childhood
  • Emotion And Personality Development In Childhood
  • Social Development And Social Relationships In Middle Childhood
  • The Cultural Context Of Child Development
  • Puberty, Sexuality, And Health
  • Cognitive Development In Adolescence
  • Emotional And Personality Development In Adolescence
  • Positive Behaviors, Problem Behaviors, And Resiliency In Adolescence
  • Relationships With Parents And Peers In Adolescence
  • Disease, Health, And Aging
  • Cognitive Development In Adulthood
  • Personality Development In Adulthood And Old Age
  • Social Relationships In Adulthood And Old Age
  • Disabilities And Development
  • Applied Developmental Science Of Positive Human Development
  • Child Development And The Law
  • Health And Human Development
  • Successful Aging


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