Introduction To Digital and Integrated Circuits is the fundamental course for digital circuits. This course contains the basic elements of digital electronic systems. In this course, the student will mainly learn about the concepts of Digital and Integrated Circuits from the beginner level. This program covers the number system, Boolean algebra, logic families, MSI, and LSI within detailed information. Besides the mentioned concepts, the student will also learn about AD and DA with some related topics.
During the course, you will identify how to fix and understand the troubleshoot digital circuit with applied techniques. This online course in digital integrated circuits is aimed at telling the student about the process of finding and repairing the issue, also designing and understanding the pipelined circuits.
If you want to learn about CMO digital integrated circuits, then you can start with this introduction level course, which will allow you to get more understanding when you will learn. To take this course, there is no such requirement. Thus, you can take this course if you are a student computer engineer, professional or any other learner can take this course.