What you'll get

  • Job Credibility
  • Certification Valid for Life
  • Live Classes
  • Certificate of Completion

Exam details

  • Mode of Exam : Online
  • Duration : 1 Hour
  • Multiple Choice Questions are asked
  • No. of Questions are asked : 50
  • Passing Marks : 25 (50%)
  • There is no negative marking

Welcome to the course, "Certificate in Jira '' from where you are going to learn about Jira which includes  its versions, projects and issues. This course will take you step by step through all the given things in this course. You are also going to learn many examples from here. So you will learn about all these in the course.

In this course you will be given the introduction about the course. You will also know about the basics of Agile, the Jira screenshot, it's interface. Everything from Team Management vs company managed Project, how to create Team-Managed Project, navigating team-Managed Projects, creating Issue in Team Managed Projects and many things are discussed in this course. 

You can complete this course in no time. This course is a very concise and comprehensive course designed in such a way that everything is mentioned in detail here. 

There is no need for previous knowledge to take this course. If you're looking to practice, you would need access to a Jira Cloud instance via a web browser and you need a basic concept to understand this course but not a big deal if you haven't. 

This course is for anyone looking for an Agile project management tool, Programming enthusiasts,Business Professionals, Data analysts, students who are eager to learn this topic and anyone who would like to improve your skills.You will absolutely love this topic even more than you did.

So are you waiting further? Enroll your name now.

Course Content

Total: 31 lectures
  • Getting started with jira
  • Versions of Jira
  • What is Jira?
  • Basics of agile
  • Jira Screenshot
  • Issues & Projects
  • Jira's Interface
  • Team Managed vs company managed Project
  • Create Team-Managed Project
  • Navigating Team-Managed Projects
  • Creating Issue in Team Managed Projects
  • Customizing Team-Managed Project
  • Creating a company managed project
  • Navigating Company-managed Projects
  • Creating a new scrum board
  • Scrum agile board overview
  • Customizing Scrum boards
  • Continuing to customize our scrum boards
  • Creating a new kanban board
  • Kanban Agile board overview
  • Customize kanban boards
  • Creating Issues
  • Overview of the issue details view
  • Creating filters
  • Using Dashboard
  • Sharing Filters
  • Reports in Jira
  • Roads Map in Jira
  • Bulk Creating Issues
  • Bulk Editing Issues
  • Course Conclusion


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